Why employees leave companies even they are top blue chip companies?

Most of us think working for a blue chip company early in our career would give us more benefits instead of working for a smaller company. However the pros and the cons of associating could be differed to one person to another.
Can learn about core business practices, process, politics, performance, hiring, responsibility, and most importantly, KPIs.
Can learn about the realities is a way of preparation for the corporate world in the future and also be an useful learning experience when starting own companies.
Benefit of brand association Where working for a top brand will give a major advantage when applying for future jobs. It instantly creates an impression of a well-trained candidate with a lot of valuable experience and knowledge.
Gets a built-in network. The advantage of being part of a large network of employees helps people to personal branding
Responsibilities may be narrow since often have very specific job functions unlike working for a smaller organization allows  to experience and gain more tasks and will  quickly push up to the next level.
Less association with the leadership team due to thousands of employees, that never meets or work with whereas in a smaller organization have direct access to senior leaders.
Will find it hard to leave the organization for the reason of  the perks, stability and clear role progression offered by many large organizations, particularly when the alternative is moving to a less well-funded, smaller business.
However, there are many more things that matter more than a company name.
Working for a blue chip company can certainly open up new doors and help to move career along. But most importantly any person should focus on positions with potential growth, available mentors and interesting work since ultimately what matters the most than a name.



  1. The topic is quite interesting.
    The pros and cons you have discussed above is a comparison between a blue chip organization and a small organization and that really does not answer the initial question.
    As to my understanding why people want to join Blue chip or at least well established organization is mainly due to higher benefits (monetary and other), job security and growth, status and exposure.
    And why employees leave such organizations is mainly due to lack of opportunities to meet their aspirations (personally as well as professionally).
    Unless the HR team has formulated strategies to manage employee aspirations the issue will be there in Blue chip as well as small organizations.


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