Managing people

Managing people effectively is an important element of an organisational effectiveness. People formulate strategies to help organizations in achieving  corporate goals and objectives. Therefore,understanding effective people management is a prerequisite in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. Organizations will not be successful or profitable if they do not pay sufficient attention to their working people. Moreover, organizations need to constantly identify, assess, and attack the de-motivators. Conversely, employees get sufficiently motivated to do their best when their strengths are appropriately recognized and used for the good of the organization.

In order to succeed in people management organisations have toadapt to the radical changing environment, facilitate core issues in contemporary organisations and provide management roles in exploring global context.


  1. It's great article with knowledgeable ideas.

  2. indeed yes! it's a must to adapt to the radical changing environment in the corporate world. since generation Y and Z are taking charge,

  3. What you have stated there is completely true. It is always good to keep employees motivated using different techniques in order to get the maximum use of their abilities to acieve the organizational goals.

  4. Good ine indi.Managing people is not only an important element but also the most challenging one as it deals with attitudes, believes and emotions. In current business arena change management is the key to success.


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